The construction industry has been characterized as a low innovation-rate industry. Constantly evolving technology shapes most industries and sectors of the world’s economy, and the construction industry is no different. As the industry is in an exciting transition, we expect many efficient and innovative changes in the coming years. Building Information Modeling (BIM)

BIM is an intelligent, 3D model-based process that provides the necessary insight and tools to plan and manage construction buildings more efficiently. It is a relatively new technology, but many construction companies have adopted BIM. BIM provides real-time data, improves design quality, and collaborates more effectively throughout the project life cycle.

Robotics and automated machines are no longer a thing of science fiction. This kind of innovation can significantly increase efficiency and accuracy in many different areas of work, as robots can do repeated actions such as brick-laying, tying steel bars, or plastering walls without supervision or assistance, freeing professionals to do more creative and meaningful work. Robotics and AI (artificial intelligence) are gradually changing the entire industry as construction companies realize the benefits they gain in terms of construction workflow and reduced time and labor on projects. Most importantly, it also increases safety in the field.

Many contractors already use these unmanned aerial vehicles, and the number of commercial drones in use will surge year after year. Drones can inspect vast areas of land within minutes before projects start, thereby mitigating the risk of error during the planning stage. They can also ensure that all job site materials are placed and ordered as necessary, once again developing safety and productivity in construction.

Although it is common for construction project managers to use outdated forms of software or management systems (for example, Excel), there is continuous growth within mobile and cloud-based applications. All critical functions, from planning and estimating, job costing, scheduling, invoicing, and project process reporting, can be done in real-time and within seconds. Cloud-based apps (such as Planyard) provide a range of activities, comprehensive overviews, collaboration with different project team members, transparency, and efficiency.
Green technology

Technological advances are developing various new material innovations to drastically reduce environmental pollution. There has been a significant increase in the disposal of plastic waste at railroads and even the use of it as a material for 3D printing new building components and structures. More and more buildings are integrating green technology into the construction process, and this trend is set to continue.
The intelligent-built environment

The construction industry shapes our world and dramatically impacts our society. By collecting data from the latest innovations, we can operate our homes and offices more efficiently and environmentally friendly. Furthermore, with saved data, we can evaluate trends and use them to design future buildings, infrastructure projects, and even entire cities with master plans.
Project managers or people running construction companies must be aware of the latest trends that can provide huge advantages over competitors. The entire industry is constantly evolving, and companies that want to remain competitive must stay up to date. Moreover, modern technologies will allow the construction industry to be safer, more productive, and more efficient, leading to lower overall project costs.