In the last two months, we have been working on improving our integrations, accounting software flows, and other user experience improving directions. Below are the highlights of what we have rolled out already. Watch out for the next edition of our product updates for even more updates.
Credit Notes
When your supplier has submitted an incorrect invoice for goods they provided, then you can now also track the credit notes in Planyard. The amounts will be deducted from the purchase order automatically, and the credit note data sent to Xero with the correct accounting lines and totals.
Credit notes can be enabled under "Company" -> "Settings".

Income Documents From Main Contract Progress Reports
Transitioning from the cost side to the income side, you can now track the incomes from your customer in connection to the main contract. This means that you can see exactly how much has been invoiced to the customer in the contract and how much is still to be invoiced. You can create the main contract income directly from the progress report screen or the document mapping screen.
If you do not have the main contract feature enabled yet, please contact our support for more information.

Do Not Send to Accounting
Some of our customers do not wish to send all of their approved costs to the accounting software. For example, when running the projects of multiple real-life companies under the same account. For that, we added an optional checkbox when approving costs to not send the approved documents to the accounting integration - Xero, QuickBooks, etc. The information will still be forwarded to the configured accountant's e-mail address.
The "Do not send to accounting integrations" configuration is optional and the checkbox can be made visible under "Company" -> "Settings".

To bring the most important changes to the users so that they don't miss what is happening to their projects, we added the first version notifications for various events - bid submitted, request for review, mentions, and more. When you click on the item, it will take you to the document - contract, cost, or progress report - the notification is about.
In the near future, we will be adding the possibility to subscribe to notifications of different events on the project level. So that the field teams can be notified at the same time as the project manager about different changes to the project.

Budget and Bidding Specifications
To make sure that your suppliers and subcontractors provide you with the correct components and jobs, we added the possibility to send the specifications in a separate PDF file to the supplier in addition bidding Excel template, where the specification is also added.
You can also import your original budget with the specifications already provided so that you can, later on, copy those values into the RFQ and also share them with the supplier.