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Should Construction Companies Learn from Their In-House Data?

August 9, 2024 Planyard

The construction industry involves a lot of data, from pre- to post-construction.

This involves construction data revolving around the planning stages, construction site information, accounting, workflow, job cost management, project management and much more.

“Data really powers everything that we do.” – Jeff Weiner

However, while a lot of information exists that contractors could use to save time and money, this information remains underutilized because of the lack of the right tools to collect and analyze data in ways that would have significant project results. Fortunately, this is now all about to change.

How to get the best out of your construction data?

The number of applications for construction software is huge, and firms are seeing great benefits from this hot topic.

Contractors are now discussing and considering different solutions and visiting construction software conferences, with the entire industry looking for more efficient ways to get smart about data. So, what factors are necessary for subcontractors to get involved in construction data analytics technology and software?

A better overview about your project will naturally save you both time and money on current projects. But it will also help in terms of your future projects. Here are some of the major advantages:

  • Contractors can obtain a comprehensive suite of solutions for the entire company, allowing you to control every step of the process. You can imagine how many project movements take place during the day. But you can reduce these moves to a minimum, saving yourself and others a lot of time in the process.
  • All contractors can benefit from data tracking analysis. True data analytics is more than simply tracking down job costs and cash flow. Data analysis can also prevent future problems and risks to your business, as it allows for far more accuracy in future projects with increased efficiencies. Analyzing data results in better plans and predictive analyses, and being on time and in total control over your budget lends you a good reputation, which in turn leads to a higher number of clients. In other words, while
  • Data analytics can solve your project tasks and problems on a current project, it will likewise help to make predictive analyses with more and better insight for the same kind of projects in the future.

To take full advantage of data analytics software, you need to understand the right tools for the job as well as your bottleneck.

A construction management software or ERP solution could be essential in order to stream your data across the company.

From project management to accounting, all processes need to be in order.

A software solution or internal ERP system can help to communicate with different parts of company units, thereby using collected and stored data more efficiently. From that data analysis, everyone can work with higher success and provide good values for business models.

An ERP system and construction data analytics solution can demonstrate hidden values that remained previously unseen.

One important question remains: what can be done with that data and what can be done to improve overall effectiveness, saving your company time and money?

This question is being answered by firms who are hiring professionals to get the most out of the business intelligence process.

These new and highly efficient software solutions and tools link all units with different, often complex operations into one integrated system. The solutions provide excellent support, from small building projects to large, with such an innovative approach ushering in a new era for the construction data industry.

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