Construction software that integrates with MYOB

Looking for software that helps you track construction costs and integrates with MYOB?

Track your construction project budget and project profitability on Planyard. Our MYOB construction integration sends pre-approved invoices to MYOB.

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MYOB integration with Planyard construction software
Budget management view

Do your procurement and follow your project costs in Planyard

Upload your estimated budget to Planyard and follow your project costs using our construction budgeting tool. Every time you approve costs, the budget gets updated automatically. This means that the project profitability is always up to date without any manual work.

Send out your bid requests to subcontractors just like you would via email. Enter the RFQ name, description of the tender, upload technical specifications, and select the related budget lines. Planyard will send out automatic bid requests with a link, where your suppliers can upload their bids themselves.

The project manager approves the costs in Planyard when they receive them

After you have signed a contract with the subcontractor or sent out the purchase order, it’s time to approve costs. Forward invoices to Planyard via our mobile apps, via our email client integrations, or via your unique accounts payable email address.

When the project manager is in the office again, they can select the budget lines the cost is connected to and approve the cost. As soon as they approve the cost, the budget, the subcontract, and the purchase order get updated automatically.

Approving construction project invoice
Construction bill sent to MYOB from the Planyard construction software

Approved construction invoice is automatically sent to MYOB

As soon as you approve your invoice, it gets automatically sent to MYOB. The quantities and price from Planyard will be sent to MYOB together with the original invoice document.

When the accountant receives the invoice, they only need one click to approve the invoice and pay out the expense. This workflow ensures that no invoices get paid out above what was initially agreed with the supplier. This is since the project team knows the best whether an invoice is in the correct amount or not.

Connect your budget line-items with your MYOB chart of accounts

You can optionally connect your budget line-items with the right accounting accounts on Planyard. This eliminates the need for manually selecting the corresponding accounting accounts on MYOB.

This means that the accountant and project manager have one less step to worry about. Accountants won’t have to chase project managers for details about the expense. Such as which line-item, cost code, and project it’s related to. The project manager already filled it in on the pre-approved invoice.

All of your MYOB and Planyard contacts are in sync

When you have connected MYOB and Planyard, all of your contacts will be loaded into Planyard. This syncing happens every time you log onto Planyard, so you can be sure that you always have the same contacts in both systems.

When you create a contact in Planyard, it will be pushed to MYOB as soon as you approve a cost. So it doesn’t matter from which software you create the contacts.

Our customers about us

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Hitachi ABB
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Intra Interieur

”I wanted to escape the spreadsheets, escape the manual data entry, and look for ways to stay on top of the budget numbers. It’s challenging within a development company to keep on top of your numbers.

So I came across Planyard in a search to improve the budget management processes and, to make my own life easier.

Planyard does that, and it takes your project budget and puts it very clearly on screen for you so you have a live real-time picture of where your project budget is at any given point.”

Ian Holford

Manager, Higgihaus Developments

”I have been working on cloud accounting tools like Xero and QuickBooks which are excellent, but they don’t have a specific construction-based costing tool.

Construction companies rely on expensive quantity surveyors and project managers to do a lot of data input on packages such as Excel which takes them away from focusing on value-added activities and driving the profit growth.

When I came across Planyard, I was relieved that there was finally a solution to this problem. Quotes, subcontract orders, purchase orders, invoices, progress bills, etc are put on the system and it’s linked directly to the budget, CVRs, subcontractors, and the suppliers. This is making people’s lives a lot easier. Data is at hand, it’s automated and it gets everyone away from the out-dated requirement to fill out spreadsheets.”

Paul Howarth

ACMA, CGMA, Director, Live Management Accounts Ltd

Käytätkö edelleen Exceliä budjetin hallintaan?
On parempi tapa.

Laskentataulukot eivät ole paras tapa hallita työpaikkakustannuksia
  • On liian helppoa tehdä virheitä;
  • Et voi nähdä numeroiden takana;
  • On vaikea standardoida ja varmistaa vaatimusten noudattaminen;
  • Kannattavuusennusteista ei ole reaaliaikaista yleiskatsausta.
  • Se tarkoittaa päällikköjen ja kirjanpitäjien päällekkäistä työtä.
Planyard säästää aikaa ja hermoja

Seuraa budjettiasi reaaliajassa ja toimi välittömästi virheiden sattuessa. Työkustannukset ovat organisoituja, täysin haettavissa ja käytettävissä ennusteita, projektinhallintaa ja muuta varten.