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A cost-plus construction contract reimburses contractors for actual project expenses, such as materials and labor, and includes a profit fee. This agreement is ideal for projects with uncertain scopes or changing requirements.

The contractor tracks all project expenses and submits them for reimbursement. In addition, they charge a profit fee, which can be a percentage of costs, a fixed amount, or tied to a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP).

  • Flexibility for evolving project scopes.
  • Transparency in expense tracking.
  • High-quality outcomes due to reduced cost-cutting pressures.
  • Budget uncertainty if costs escalate unexpectedly.
  • Potential disputes over what qualifies as reimbursable.
  • Administrative burden due to detailed cost tracking requirements.

Cost-plus contracts are best suited for custom or complex projects, renovations, or those with evolving scopes where flexibility and transparency are more important than a fixed budget.

Cost-plus contracts are ideal for custom home building because they allow for flexibility in material selection, design changes, and adjustments to project scope. This ensures the homeowner can achieve their vision without being constrained by a rigid budget, while maintaining transparency in costs.

Upload the project budget using your own cost codes, and follow the financial progress in real-time

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