Still using Procore project financials for budget management?
There can be an easier way.
Procore financials might not be the best tool for SMEs according to Procore user reviews
- The pricing is inflexible and can be difficult for companies with high revenues and low margins;
- Onboarding and implementation can be complicated and a long process;
- Need for user accounts and training for suppliers may push them away from using the tools;
- Accounting integrations are provided by third parties and might not fulfill all needs;
Planyard saves time and nerves
Follow your budget in real time and take immediate action when errors occur. Job costs are organized, and fully searchable and accessible for forecasting, project management and more. The implementation is usually done in a single training session that takes just a few hours.
What is Procore?
Procore is a US construction project management software with many different modules.
The software covers preconstruction, project management, resources management, and financial management.
A Bit More Context
Procore has been building out its software since 2003. This makes it a double-edged sword.
On the one hand, it’s very comprehensive. It covers a lot of different functions through different models. Which means you can unify processes more.
On the other hand, companies tend to move upmarket as they mature. Their solutions get way more complex and the pricing goes higher and higher. Procore is like Salesforce in that sense – it’s used by the biggest companies in the world but they are all paying through their nose.
Because Procore is a software in development for almost 20 years, it means it probably contains a lot of legacy technology. Things that were built 10 years ago look outdated now in software.
Hvad er Planyard?
Planyard er et skybaseret software til styring af budget og underleverandører til hovedentreprenører.
Du kan administrere budgetter uden Excel og frem og tilbage e-mails – dine underleverandører vil gøre arbejdet for dig.
Procore project financials vs Planyard construction financials software functionality
Different review sites bring out that the onboarding process for Procore is complicated and costly. If you want to use the financials module in Procore, you would have to sign up for multiple different module packages, where there will probably be a lot of functionality that you might not necessarily need.
Since Procore financials is mainly an enterprise solution, it needs a lot of training and configuration to set everything up. In the case that you are a smaller company with a small or no IT team, the setup might not be very straightforward and can be time-consuming. If you want to test with a pilot project to see whether your processes match the software. Then it might not be so easy to do so due to the fixed processes on setting up your account.
If you want to try and digitalize your processes by one small step at a time, then the processes if Procore might not be most suitable for you. It can be a lower effort to test an easier setup platform like Planyard to see if this is something that could even be suitable for your company and employees.
The good thing is that Procore has a vast marketplace where there are a lot of different tools that can be integrated with if you need a specific part of your process fixed or automated.
Feature/Provider | ||
Project and company level permissions | Company-wide and project-wide admin configurations | Company-wide and project-wide admin configurations Project-level fine-tunable permissions to send out RFQs, create subcontracts and prepare documents to confirm |
Tenders and bid comparison | You can send bid requests to contacts and companies in your directory | You can send bid requests to any email address and it will be added to your contacts. You can also add any contact from your contact database. |
Subcontracts | Create contracts from subcontractor bids and manually No unit price information is available | Create contracts from subcontractor bids and manually Unit price info available |
Subcontractor progress reports/claims | Subcontract invoices are creatable by both subcontractors and project managers Progress report process not available outside invoicing Progress report feedback process doesn’t exist outside invoicing | Creatable by both subcontractors and project managers Progress report process available Progress report feedback process is simple and tracked |
Subcontractor change orders | Change orders creatable by PMs and subcontractors | Change orders creatable by PMs and subcontractors Change orders editable by PMs |
Purchase orders | Purchase orders can be created for suppliers in the project | Purchase orders can be created for suppliers in the whole company |
Main contracts/Prime contracts | Main contracts can be created using existing or new budget items with custom structure | Main contracts can be created using existing or new budget items with custom structure |
Main contract change orders | You can create change orders for the main contract Markups fairly complex to set up | You can create change orders for the main contract Markup setup is done implicitly in the jobs and needs no additional configuration |
Invoice and cost management | Subcontract invoices are submitted directly against the subcontract without a progress report Purchase order cost tracking is available | Subcontract invoices are submitted according to the progress report Purchase order cost tracking is available |
Invoice document uploading | There is no frictionless way to get documents into the system besides manual uploads by either party | Various simple ways to get the cost documents into the system: * Project and company accounts payable e-mail addresses * Outlook plugin * Mobile apps |
Accounting integrations | Different custom connectors on the marketplace | Simple setup with Xero, QuickBooks, Directo, and many others. You can assign accounting accounts in Planyard to reduce work for the accountant |
Accounts not required for suppliers and subcontractors | All users need to have accounts with correct permissions shared with them to access data | Subcontractors can submit bids, progress reports, and invoices via e-mail and without needing a username and password |
Training not required for suppliers and subcontractors | All suppliers and subcontractors need to go through certification to be able to use the platform | Suppliers and subcontractors do not need to be certified and can start to use the tool without any certification |
Pricing | 667 USD per month (with an annual contract and max 5M in annual revenue) | Plans start at 20 EUR per project per month |
Free 14-day full-featured trial. Full access. No credit card required.
Hvad vores kunder siger om os
“Jeg ville slippe for regnearkene, undslippe den manuelle dataindtastning og lede efter måder at holde mig på toppen af budgetnumrene. Det er udfordrende i et udviklingsselskab at holde styr på dine tal.
Så jeg stødte på Planyard i en søgning efter at forbedre budgetstyringsprocesserne og for at gøre mit eget liv lettere.
Planyard gør det, og det tager dit projektbudget og lægger det meget tydeligt på skærmen for dig, så du har et levende realtidsbillede af, hvor dit projektbudget er på et givet tidspunkt. “
Ian Holford
Manager, Higgihaus -udvikling
Bristol, Storbritannien
“Jeg har arbejdet med cloud-regnskabsværktøjer som Xero og Quickbooks, som er fremragende, men de har ikke et specifikt konstruktionsbaseret omkostningsværktøj.
Så en række byggefirmaer er afhængige af, at kvantitetsmålere og projektledere laver en masse data input på pakker som Excel, som tager dem væk fra at fokusere på værditilvækstaktiviteter for den virksomhed, du gerne vil betale en dyr person at gøre.
Da jeg stødte på Planyard, var jeg lettet over, at der endelig var en løsning på dette problem. Citater, underentrepriseordrer, indkøbsordrer, fakturaer, fremdriftsregninger osv. Sættes på systemet, og det er knyttet direkte til budgettet, CVR’er, underleverandører og leverandører. Dette gør folks liv meget lettere. Data er ved hånden, det er automatiseret, og det får alle væk fra det forældede krav om at udfylde regneark. “
Paul Howarth
ACMA & CGMA , direktør, Live Management Accounts Ltd
Manchester, Storbritannien
“Jeg vil sige, at Planyard er en fantastisk måde at nemt og bekvemt spore dine jobomkostninger ét sted. Den holder styr på alle dokumenter og numre på ét sted.
Hvis der er et eller andet problem med budgettet, fortæller det dig bare, hvad du skal rette, og du vil være i orden. Det tænker egentlig bare et skridt foran for dig.”
Jordan Cohen
Partner, TITN Development
Florida, USA
”Vi sparer fire arbejdsdage hver måned pr. projektleder med Planyard. Den største effektivitetsforbedring bestod i at vi kunne slippe af med duplikatindtastning af data.”
Marek Korbelainen
Byggeleder, Kaamos Group
Tallinn, Estland
”Vi ville vide om vi kunne tjene penge på et projekt eller ej, før det var færdigt. Planyard har gjort det muligt for os at gøre det. Vi kan se nøjagtigt, hvilke projekter der er rentable, og hvilke der ikke er, så vi kan foretage ændringer på farten.”
Tomy Saaron
Medlem af bestyrelsen, Hausers
Tallinn, Estland